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Important Scholarship Information

To view our current scholarship deadlines and download applications, click here.


The Delmar Graff Scholarship is presented in honor of Delmar C. Graff, who served as the Fine Arts Consultant for Medina County from 1954 until his retirement in the 1970s.  Mr. Graff instituted major Medina County music and arts festivals, including the Medina County Solo and Ensemble Festival and the Medina County Spring Arts Festival.  This scholarship is awarded to a student or students enrolling at an Ohio college or university (public or private) in the field of music education or art education.

The Clarence H. Horn Scholarship is presented in recognition of Mr. Horn by his son, Robert Horn.  Mr. Horn was a longtime resident of Medina County and a strong supporter of Ohio University.  This scholarship is awarded to a student enrolling at Ohio University in Athens, Ohio, and majoring in accounting, teaching, or a related field.

The Harold A. and Louise C. White Scholarship is presented in recognition of Mr. and Mrs. White by their family.  Mr. and Mrs. White lived in Medina County throughout their lives, and  Mr. White served as the Superintendent of the Medina County Schools for 26 years.  The scholarship is awarded to a student enrolling in an Ohio college or university and majoring in the field of education.

The Margaret Ford and Lloyd K. Smucker Scholarship was established by the Smucker Family in memory and recognition of their parents, Margaret and Lloyd Smucker.  Mrs. Smucker taught in the Medina County Schools for many years, and Mr. and Mrs. Smucker lived for most of their adult lives in Medina County, Ohio.  This scholarship is awarded to a student who has met all of the academic, co-curricular, and economic criteria set by the scholarship committee.  The student must also be accepted to a two-year or four-year degree-granting institution of higher education (college, university, or technical school) that is accredited by North Central Accreditation or a similar body.

The Margaret L. and Paige D. Myers Scholarship was established in memory of Margaret L. and Paige D. Myers in order to provide financial assistance to students from Medina County.  The students' family must meet the criteria for free or reduced school lunches, but does not need to be participating in the program. The student must also be accepted to a two-year or four-year degree college or university in the U.S.

The Franklin B. Walter All-Scholastic Award Program was established by the Ohio Educational Service Center Association to promote student achievement and to recognize outstanding students.  A senior from each county within the state of Ohio will receive an award.  The Medina County Schools’ Educational Service Center Governing Board recognizes and supports the recipient of the Franklin B. Walter Award through the awarding of the Peter Galassi Scholarship.  The winner must be a high school senior from one of the Medina County local school districts (Buckeye, Cloverleaf, or Highland).  The winning student must demonstrate outstanding academic and co-curricular achievements as indicated by high school grades, test scores, and awards.

Staff Members Responsible:

Robert Hlasko — Superintendent
Torie Griffith — Administrative Assistant
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