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Professional Development

The Medina County Schools’ Educational Service Center provides districts with high-quality professional development programs to both certified and classified employees. These programs are offered as a priority to Medina County school districts, but are also available to all Ohio educators, including online course availability. The development of programs and services provided by the ESC include:

  • Using data and feedback to provide staff development needs for all districts. Reviews are conducted through written surveys and committee requests from the county Curriculum Leaders, participants in current staff development programs, LPDC committees, local superintendents, and special education personnel.
  • Publishing twice a year of a Staff Development Offerings booklet and distributing copies of it to all educators in the county districts.
  • Making the Staff Development Offerings information available to people through e-mail/online requests.
  • Designing staff development programs and offsetting the cost of all presenters, materials, food, and necessary equipment.
  • Registering all participants and notifying them of any schedule changes or alterations to the program.
  • Offering semester hour credit through Ashland University and The University of Akron for all staff development programs that meet the requirements of each university.
  • Providing a certificate of completion for all educators who meet the completion requirements of the program. The certificates may then be used by the recipient to submit to their local professional development committees (LPDC’s) to receive Continuing Education Units (CEU’s).
  • Maintaining a database of all participants in any MCSESC staff development program by each district.
© 2025. ESC of Medina County. All Rights Reserved.