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What’s Happening at the MCSESC!

What’s Happening at the MCSESC!

What’s Happening at the MCSESC! is our bi-monthly electronic newsletter published for the purpose of informing our customers about our ESC and the services we provide.

This newsletter is really a great source for all the good news about our schools. We also intend to inform and educate our readers who really care about a good and proper education for our students!

The newsletter announces upcoming events, projects, staff development offerings, and special achievements by staff members. It also gives reports of and updates on recent events, meetings, departmental activities, and course of study and textbook adoptions. If you would like to subscribe to this newsletter, contact Keturah Zacharias at [email protected].  Bi-monthly you will receive the latest information about the many services we have to offer, meet great people, learn new things, and enjoy reading about some of the fine programs our schools have to offer.

Current and past issues of the What’s Happening at the MCSESC! newsletter are available on our Web site: Select “News” on the right-hand column of the home page.

What’s Happening at the MCSESC! is a service of the Medina County Schools’ Educational Service Center and may be copied and distributed to everyone.

Staff Members Responsible:

Keturah Zacharias — Secretary
© 2025. ESC of Medina County. All Rights Reserved.