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Buster the Bus

Buster the Bus

 Buster the School Bus is a fully animated, remote-controlled robot that speaks, moves, listens, plays audiocassette tapes, and has activated lights. Buster the School Bus was purchased through grants and donations. Buster is used to teach school bus safety to all Medina County school children. He can also be used in classrooms, assemblies, parades, and community programs.

We believe that having robots whose appearances mimic the “real thing” is appropriate in the instructional process for our students. Buster the School Bus is available for use in any of the Medina County school districts. Buster has visited many of the schools and has received a very warm welcome from the children in these schools.

All of Medina County’s transportation coordinators have been trained in the operation of Buster.

If you would like to schedule Buster the School Bus for a visit at your school or in your classroom, please call April Johnson at (330) 723-6393, Ext. 147, or e-mail her at [email protected].

Staff Members Responsible:

Mike Redfern - Regional Pre-Service Instructor
April Johnson - Supervisor of Transportation Services
Lisa West - Transportation Secretary 
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