The Medina County College, Tech, and Trade Fair is held annually on an evening in mid-October at the Medina County Fairgrounds Community Center. This event attracts 90-plus colleges and career-enhancing organizations from Ohio and nearby states. The date for 2022 is Wednesday, October 12.
The 2021 College Fair was held on Wednesday, October 13. Students were able to receive answers to their ACT and SAT questions as well as helpful financial aid information.
Students and parents from Medina County school districts and the general Medina County public are welcome to attend. To help defray the costs of this event, there is a nonrefundable registration fee for organization representatives. However, no admittance fee is charged for those who attend.
The Medina County College, Tech, and Trade Fair is registered with the Ohio Association for College Admission Counseling (OACAC).