The Medina County Schools’ Educational Service Center assigns education specialists to districts through cooperative agreements. The education specialists work under the direction of the district curriculum leader and the superintendent of the ESC. Some functions that may be performed by the education specialists are:
District professional staff development programs — Collaborate with individual local districts to provide staff development opportunities within each district. Education specialists help to facilitate grade level, waiver day, and early release professional development activities.
Countywide professional staff development offerings — Work collaboratively with districts to provide staff development programs in areas of need common to all districts. Requests may be made by curriculum leaders or by survey of county teachers.
Teacher support — Provide educational resources, instructional strategies, and online resources to support teachers in all Medina County schools.
Course of study services — Medina County local districts are in an agreed-upon course of study review cycle. The ESC facilitates the development, adoption, and publication of all courses of study. All courses of study are developed using teacher input and reflect the Ohio academic content standards.
Textbook studies — The ESC facilitates a countywide textbook study on a five-year cycle. ESC education specialists contact textbook representatives, who present their materials to subject or grade level teacher representatives. Acceptable adoptions are approved by the Governing Board of the Educational Service Center and are printed as a reference for all local school districts.
Staff Members Responsible:
Jacinda Yonker — Director of Curriculum
Barbara Gunkelman — Education Specialist
Linn Sommerfeld, Ph.D. — Education Specialist