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Assistive Technology

Assistive Technology

Assistive technology devices enable some students with or without disabilities to participate more effectively in classroom activities.  The classroom experience is more meaningful to students when they have the opportunity to access the curriculum through different modes.  An assistive technology device enables students to take ownership of their learning by adding to discussions and expressing knowledge about content that they have learned.  Below is a list of low tech assistive technology items and uses for them in the classroom.


Assistive Technology Item



  • Use to turn pages in books

Highlighters, Markers, colored pencils

  • Two column addition, subtraction, multiplication

Index Cards

  • Use to guide reading instead of finger

Magnetic letters and numbers, alphabet and number stamps

  • Use instead of writing to make numbers
  •  Choose or stamp the numbers or letters

Desktop schedule

  • Print or use pictures for student’s schedule.  Have student remove item and put in an “all done” pocket upon completion.

Ginger Software


  • Contextual grammar and spell checker
  • Creates corrections for grammatical errors, misused words and severe spelling mistakes using the context of the sentence
  • Provides alternative corrections for ambiguous corrections that are paired with a sample expression so that the writer can make an informed choice



  • This device can turn virtually any book into a “talking book”


Did you know that the IPod Touch has several applications that may be helpful for students with disabilities?  Below is a list of applications and the cost per application.



iPrompts:This is a program that was created by parents of a student with autism.  It is a customizable, visual, prompting tool for students who need visual cuing throughout their day.

Air Mouse:This application turns the device into a wireless mouse.

Proloquo2Go:Use the iPhone as an AAC device

iprocrastinate Mobile:Scheduling, organization, reminders

uHear:hearing amplifier

iCommunicate:storyboards and schedules

iconverse:AAC device, customizable

Look2Learn:AAC device, customizable

Step Stones:Visual schedule, can have sound

Halo Talk:Teach opposites visually


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