Medina County ESC News Article

Free Discount Prescription Drug Card

As a school nurse, you know how expensive medications can be, particularly if you, your co-workers, your students or their families are un-insured or under insured.  This program is being provided to you to help lower their prescription drug costs. This is NOT insurance.  This is a discount program that works at a large number of pharmacies and grocery stores.   This card can be provided to anyone associated with the school(s) that you serve.  You, your family, staff members, volunteers, any or all students and their families.

Frequently Asked Questions:

Q. Is this an insurance card?
A. No. This is a prescription discount card. It will lower the cost of many prescription medications, but does not work like paid insurance. This is FREE.  It will not always be helpful.

Q. Did NASN create this?
A. No. United Networks of America negotiate the discounted prices at more than 54,000 pharmacies.  NASN chose to make the cards available to school nurses because we are on the front lines of helping families keep their children healthy and in school.  School nurses know which children and families are struggling to afford their medications.

Q. I used the card and and the cost of the medication was still expensive.  Why?
A. Medications are unbelievably expensive. This FREE discount card is intended to reduce the cost of medication.  People who are lucky enough to have insurance that covers prescriptions will likely find that this discount card does not help.  Those who have no coverage may find the discounted prices very helpful.

Q. Why are some medications included for discount prices, while others are not?
A. This discount card includes many common medications, particularly the generic medications. Some medications are not included at all.

Q. Does this card guarantee the same prices at every pharmacy?
A. No. This is not a guaranteed price program, so neighboring pharmacies may have very different prices for the same medication.

Q. Who is this card intended for?
A. The discount card is intended to reduce the costs for families who have no other options for insurance.

Q. Is this card accepted everywhere?
A. Determine which pharmacies accept the card within your zip code and learn more online at

How to get your discount card:

Simply create and print the FREE Prescription Drug Card below and receive savings of up to 75% (discounts average roughly 30%) at more than 54,000 national and regional pharmacies. This discount card can be used as your primary discount plan or it can be used on prescriptions not covered by an insurance plan. This program also includes other value added discounts on things like diabetes supplies, hearing aides and glasses.

Please enter the name and email address in the box below and a printable membership card will be generated.  If the recipient does not want email updates, you can enter NONE into the email line.  There is no application/enrollment or eligibility required. This program has "LOWEST PRICE" logic to guarantee the best deal on your prescriptions. (You pay the lower of a discount off Average Wholesale Price - AWP, discount off MAC Pricing, or Pharmacy Promotional/Retail price.) This card is pre-activated and can be used immediately!!

Need to order hard copies of cards for your friends, family, members or employees?  Simply click, login using Group# PENASN, and follow the instructions to order your hard cards online.  This site will allow you to design and place your own logo on the cards!

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